North-West Regional Development Agency


North-West Regional Development Agency

Coat of arms or logo



Radaia 50, Baciu, Cluj, Romania

Internet site,

Contact person

Ioana Şuta
Project Manager
North-West Regional Development Agency
Radaia 50, Baciu, Cluj, Romania
tel. +40-264-431550, fax +40-264-439222
e-mail: ioana.suta PIE nord-vest PUNKTS ro
Mobil: +40-755-777699

Legal status

The North-West Regional Development Agency (RDA) was created as an NGO of public utility, having the status of legal entity, which works in specific fields of regional development.

Field of activities


Strategic activity area 1. Services for Regional Development

-        Elaboration of regional planning documentation
-        Monitoring the implementation of development strategies
-        Consulting for the development of regional investment projects
-        Management of partnerships structures
-        Development and implementation of own projects of the North-West RDA that can sustain the fields of Excellence
-        Carrying out activities and presentations for promoting the region as investment and tourism destination
-        Management of cooperations, relationships/protocols (inter-institutional, interregional, European networks)
-        Management of institutional structures created with the participation of the North-West RDA


Strategic activity area 2. Regional Programmes Management

-        Implementation of the Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013
-        Participation in the implementation of rans-border cooperation programmes
-        Implementation of Phare (2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005)
-        Contribution of the North-West RDA to the technical assistance for PHARE programme 2006 contracted by MEI (Ministry for European Integration)
-        Implementation of Governmental Programmes
-        Inputs for the Complement Programme/ROP (Regional Operational Programme)
-        Development of ROP projects portfolio
-        Registration and checking of the eligibility of the grant application forms
-        Organization of the technical and financial evaluation sessions
-        CRESC secretariat


Strategic activity area 3. Horizontal activities

-        Restructuring of the North-West RDA
-        Provision of the RDB Secretarial Activities
-        Internal audit of the agency’s systems and operations
-        Assurance of the Financial Management and of the bookkeeping for the RDA
-        Assurance of the Internal Management of the RDA
-        Human Resources Management
-        Administration of disadvantaged areas
-        Attributions delegated by the RFIA (ARIS)
-        Legal support/consulting
-        Managerial assistance
-        Management of PR activities
-        Carrying out regional promotion activities

Priorities for international cooperation

North West RDA’s team is also responsible with the stimulation of interregional, internal and international, trans-border cooperation, including the cooperation within the Euro regions, and also the participation of development regions in the European structures and organizations that promote the socio-economic and institutional development of these regions, for the creation of common interest programmes, according to the international agreements Romania takes part in.

Participation in international networks

North West Regional Development Agency is involved in several international cooperation networks, such as INTERREG IV or Enterprise Europe Network and Europe Direct Network.

Ongoing cooperation


North West Regional Development Agency is taking part in the following international projects:

BISNet - Transylvania (business and innovation network)
SUSTEEN – Sustainable SMEs (Enterprise Europe Network)
STP – Scientific and Technological Parks in Eastern Europe
TREC – Trans-national Renewable Energy Cluster
regioNet - Clusters and networks - as successful drivers guiding regions to competitiveness and innovation
TOURAGE – Developing Senior Tourism in Remote Regions
ENSPIRE EU – Entrepreneurial mindset for the European Union
ASVILOC PLUS - “Agencies supporting the value of innovation systems in local and regional economies”
Plan4all – European geo-portal for the promotion of the North-West Region
Europe Direct Northern Transylvania Regional Centre

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