- Laila Gercane
- Head of the Development and Projects Department
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- Santa Vītola
- Head of the Vidzeme Open Innovation Hub
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- Ieva Dzalbe
- Coordinator of the Municipal Capacity Building Project
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- Ieva Zemīte
- Coordinator of the Vidzeme Historical Land Cultural Programme
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- Eva Meijere
- Project Manager
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- Inguna Kucina
- Project Manager
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- Lelde Ābele
- Project Manager
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- Lienīte Priedāja-Klepere
- Tourism Expert, Project Manager
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- Maija Rieksta
- Project Manager
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- Rita Merca
- Project Manager
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- Dace Liepiņa
- Assistant Expert
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- Edgars Augustiņš
- Energy Efficiency Expert
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- Laura Dzelzkalēja
- Energy Efficiency Expert
| |
- Liene Pelēkzirne
- Project Expert
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- Krišjānis Pundurs
- Project Expert
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- Zelma Mičule
- Project Expert
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- Arta Indriksone
- Assistant Expert
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- Baiba Šelkovska
- Project Manager, Communication Manager
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- Zane Kaķe
- Communication Manager
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- Marta Riekstiņa
- Communication Manager
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- Dzintars Močs
- Communication Manager
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- Laima Spalva
- Communication Manager
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- Jānis Upenieks
- IT Specialist
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