By Products 4 Development

  • by products 4 development
Title By Products 4 Development
Abbreviation ByP4Dev
Project number 2021-1-ES01-KA200-VET-000025177
Programme ERASMUS+

  1. Fundacion Fundecyt – Parque Cientifico Y Tecnologico De Extremadura (Spain) (Lead partner)
  2. Häme University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
  3. EXELIA EE (Greece)
  4. Vidzeme Planning Region (Latvia)
  5. Agroindustrial Cluster Association of the Centre Region of Portugal (Portugal)

Project objectives

To provide knowledge to food and agriculture professionals, students and graduates to promote more efficient use of agricultural and food by-products and residues.


  1. Organisation of surveys, focus groups and research of documents in order to develop methodological guidelines for the implementation of the curriculum.
  2. Designing the Expert profile in by-products and wastes valorization in agri-food sector.
  3. Development of teaching materials and exercises and compilation of good practices.
  4. Implementation and testing of the program on the Open Educational Resources (AER) platform, ensuring unrestricted (and equal) access to the most up-to-date knowledge available to the EU agri-food professional community.
  5. Development and dissemination of guidelines and policy recommendations for the implementation of the newly established expert profile in the formal and non-formal education system, thus contributing to the development of the bio-industry.


  1. Methodological guidelines and framework on by-products valorization in agri-food sector developed.
  2. Expert profile in by-products and waste valorization in agri-food sector developed.
  3. Training material developed.
  4. Open Educational Resource (OER) developed and tested.
  5. Blueprint & policy recommendations guide developed and distributed.


Total budget: 259 385 EUR

VPR budget: 39 896 EUR

Implementation period



Maija Rieksta
+371 26099521:

More about the project