Developing Regional Actions to Promote SMEs in Health Sector and Stimulate Economic Growth (Health4Growth)

  • developing regional actions to promote smes in health sector and stimulate economic growth health4growth
Title Developing Regional Actions to Promote SMEs in Health Sector and Stimulate Economic Growth
Abbreviation Health4Growth
Project number 1222R4

  1. City of Turnhout (Belgium)
  2. IPN Incubator – Ideas and Businesses Incubator (Portugal)
  3. Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands)
  4. University of Debrecen (Hungary)
  5. City of Leuven (Belgium)
  6. Innovation and Economic Development Centre (Italy)
  7. Vidzeme Planning Region (Latvia)
  8. Maribor Development Agency (Slovenia)
  9. Municipality of Varna (Bulgaria)
  10. Province of Turin (Italy)

Project objectives

The project’s overall objective is to improve the effectiveness of regional development policies regarding the operational environment of local/regional economic players within the health sector and promote their cooperation at regional and European level in order to exploit the growth and innovation potential of this sector.


  1. Explore and develop new models to improve the cooperation infrastructure between all players in the health sector (SMEs, knowledge centres, care providers and authorities), and find solutions for regulatory problems linked to public procurement, ethical issues and patenting.
  2. Explore the options to ease the access for SMEs to finance and the design of innovative, sector-specific financial schemes. The knowledge sharing on health innovations at inter-regional level must be stimulated to speed up uptakes of new ideas.
  3. Explore the options to improve management skills and transfer of know-how on available management training programmes.


  1. Recommendations for improvement of regional policy - a plan for implementing the recommendations.
  2. Study of the patterns of health care sector and found solutions related to public procurement, ethics and patents.
  3. Promotion of entrepreneurial experience.


Total budget: 2 137 374,036 EUR

VPR budget: 120 482 EUR

Implementation period

01.2012 – 31.2014


Lelde Gavare
Mob.: +371 29266757

More about the project