Efficient Energy Building Roadmap for Latvia (Build Up Skills)

  • efficient energy building roadmap for latvia build up skills
  • efficient energy building roadmap for latvia build up skills
Title Efficient Energy Building Roadmap for Latvia
Abbreviation Build up Skills
Project number IEE/11/BWI/507/SI2.604357
Programme Intelligent Energy Europa

  1. Riga Planning Region (Latvia) (lead partner)
  2. Vidzeme Planning Region (Latvia)
  3. Zemgale Planning Region (Latvia)
  4. Latgale Planning Region (Latvia)
  5. Kurzeme Planning Region (Latvia)
  6. Latvian Environmental Investment Fund (Latvia)
  7. Latvian Builders Association (Latvia)
  8. Latvia Association of Civil Engineers (Latvia)
  9. Association of Heat, Gas and Water Technology Engineers of Latvia (Latvia)

Project objectives

To create preconditions for overcoming barriers and identified skills gaps in the various professions involving low-skilled workers, in order to meet the 2020 targets in the building sector.


  1. Analysis of national status quo.
  2. Identification of stakeholders, promotion of their involvement, and establishment of national qualification platform.
  3. Elaboration of the national qualification roadmap and the action plan.
  4. Endorsement of National qualification roadmap and action plan at national, regional and local level.
  5. Participation in EU exchange activities.


  1. Analysis of the national status quo provided.
  2. Relevant stakeholders identified, national qualification platform established.
  3. National qualification roadmap and action plan elaborated.
  4. National qualification roadmap and action plan endorsed at national, regional and local level.
  5. Participation in EU exchange activities ensured.
  6. Sound and smooth implementation of the project ensured.


Total budget: 130 797,44 LVL

VPR budget: 9 400,70 LVL

Implementation period

December 2011 – May 2013


Gatis Teteris
Mob. tel.: +371 26593515
e-mail: gatis.teteris@vidzeme.lv

More about the project
