Future Food & Forestry models towards the value chain adaptation to the Green Deal and Circular Economy (3F GREEN MODEL)

  • future food forestry models towards the value chain adaptation to the green deal and circular economy 3f green model
Title Future Food & Forestry models towards the value chain adaptation to the Green Deal and Circular Economy
Abbreviation 3F GREEN MODEL
Programme INTERREG EUROPE programme 2021-2027

Project partners

  1. Principality of Asturias (Spain) (lead partner)
  2. Vidzeme Planning Region (Latvia)
  3. Department of Agriculture of the Sicilian Region (Italy)
  4. Pannon Business Network Association (Hungary)
  5. Munster Technological University (Ireland)

Project objectives

Improvement of policy instruments for solving the challenges of adapting partner countries' agricultural and forestry sectors to the European Green Course and the EU circular economy strategy.


  1. dentification of at least 3 Good Practices (GP) in each region around circularity in the agri-food and forestry sectors in relation to the use and management of bio-waste, its re-incorporation into other industrial processes, and business and entrepreneurship opportunities that could arise from these uses.
  2. Interregional learning and knowledge transfer through 5 study visits (1 per semester) to relevant initiatives in each region in relation to the 5 key areas.
  3. The selection of the improvements to be incorporated policy instruments, as well as the strategy to be followed for this incorporation: involving stakeholders, working with the responsible authority or with the staff directly involved in the improvement of the instrument.


  1. Improvements have been made in 5 regional policy instruments for the adaptation of partner countries' agricultural and forestry sectors to the European green course and the EU' s circular economy strategy.
  2. Regional stakeholder groups have been established for the implementation of improved policy instruments and for ensuring the sustainability of project results.


Total budget: 1,033,144.00 EUR

ERDF co-funding: 826,515.20 EUR

VPR budget: 141,864.00 EUR

ERDF co-funding: 113,491.20 EUR

Implementation period

01.03.2023. – 28.02.2026.


Inguna Kucina
Mobile.: +371 26598678
Email: inguna.kucina@vidzeme.lv

More about the project
