Policies & Measures to Support Local & Regional Innovation Ecosystems (ecoRIS3)

  • policies measures to support local regional innovation ecosystems ecoris3
Title Policies & Measures to Support Local & Regional Innovation Ecosystems
Abbreviation ecoRIS3
Programme Interreg Europe 2014-2020

  1. Fomento de San Sebstian (Spain)
  2. Cork Institute of Tehnology (Ireland)
  3. Comunidade Intermunicipal do Ave (Portugal)
  4. Sunrise Valley Science and Technology Park (Lithuania)
  5. Kainuun Etu (Finland)
  6. Province of Turin (Italy)
  7. Vidzeme Planning Region (Latvia)
  8. Conference of Atlantic Arc Cities (France)

Project objectives

To promote better policies and measures to generate solid interactions between key stakeholders to orchestrate sustainable innovation ecosystems within RIS3 strategies responding to the challenges and gaps identified.


  1. Elaboration of regional SWOT analyses.
  2. Peer review document on the role of private & public stakeholders in the local ecosystem in order to absorb innovation.
  3. Joint survey and analysis on ecosystem in each territory.
  4. Development of regional Action Plans.
  5. Interregional study visits to learn about partner regions’ SME support facilities and entrepreneurship policies.
  6. Interregional Workshops to discuss Best Practices and how to transfer/adapt them to the needs and potential of the different territories involved.
  7. Seminars for experience exchange – study visits to relevant initiatives to promote sustainable innovation ecosystems in all partners territories, workshops to identify best practices, seminars for wider audience.
  8. Stakeholders group meetings.


  1. Increased capacity (knowledge and skills) of stakeholders and partner organizations.
  2. Interregional learning activities implemented – study visits, workshops, seminars.
  3. Policy recommendations & Action plans elaborated to improve policy instruments in terms of governance to achieve more coordinated interactions among the agents of the innovation system.
  4. 64 good practices identified.
  5. Improved policy implementation of smart specialization areas.
  6. Improved interaction among key stakeholders within RIS3 strategies – Public sector, Civil Society, RTO & High Education, SMEs & Industry.
  7. Improved cooperation among academia, clusters and SMEs.


Total budget: 1 755 868 EUR

Implementation period

01.01.2017 – 31.12.2021


Rita Merca
E-mail: rita.merca@vidzeme.lv

More about the project
