Municipality of Brzeg Dolny


Municipality of Brzeg Dolny




ul. Kolejowa 29, 56-120, Brzeg Dolny, Poland

Internet site

Contact person

Monika KAPLON;  fundusze PIE brzegdolny PUNKTS pl

+48 71 31 95 117 (internal number: 216)

Legal status

Local Public Authority

Field of activities


Brzeg Dolny is a municipality in the Lower-Silesian Province, in the county of Wolow. Brzeg Dolny is located in the south-western part of Poland, about 30 km from Wroclaw, which is the main city of the region and administrative province of Lower Silesia. The municipality is the basic legal entity and administrative body in Poland, which carries out public tasks for itself and is responsible itself. To the municipality' s sphere of responsibilities belong all the public matters of a local significance. The Municipality takes care of and promotes the interests of all those who live and work within its territory. It is responsible for local development, local planning, coordination and administration. The role of the Municipality Brzeg Dolny impacts on all who live in its territory in varying ways from the quality of the environment in which we live to our social, economic and cultural infrastructure. Municipality of Brzeg Dolny has its own budget, realizes its own investment policies, deals with different tasks in particular: public goods, environmental protection, culture, public education, the water and sewage system or the promotion of the city.

Priorities for international cooperation

As Brzeg Dolny is not very experienced with interregional cooperation in the field of inland waterways management, it expects to improve their international network through the exchange of experience between partners involved in "Waterways Forward" project, and it will get to know new approeches in developing new strategies, better ways of promotion, international cooperation.

Participation in international networks


Ongoing cooperation


As of November 2008 we are gaining experience with international project, co-financed by the EU. The project' s name is "Urban spaces - enhancing the attractiveness and quality of the urban environment" and it was successfully approved by the CENTRAL EUROPE Monitoring Committee on the 23rd July of 2008. Municipality has strong town-twinning with such Municipalities as: Barsinghausen (Germany), Mont-Saint-Aignan (France), Kovel (Ukraine), Czerniahovsk (Russia)


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